Based on true stories, Netflix’s upcoming series “The Railway Men” brings back the horrors of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. Starring R. Madhavan, Babil Khan, K.K. Menon, and Divyenndu, the four-episode series revolves around the real-life heroes who made their best efforts to prevent the country’s worst industrial disasters.

The Railway Men Trailer

The trailer begins with K.K. Menon, working as a ticket checker at Bhopal Railway Station. While Babil becomes a new locomotive pilot, Divyenndu is posted as a staff member at the station. It shares glimpses of the city and its joyful stories before the tragic incident at the Union Carbide’s electricity plant unfolds.

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Despite the plant employees’ best efforts, they fail to control the situation, resulting in a gas leak that spreads through the air after the roof breaks. In one scene, someone asks company officials, “What does this gas do?” The responsible person responds, “It’s lethal, sir. This is the company’s line.” The gas leak takes lives in Bhopal, creating chaos. As Babil rushes to help people at the station, K.K. Menon and Divyenndu join him on the fateful night of December 2, 1984, to save citizens against all odds.

R. Madhavan portrays an inspired officer of the Indian Railways, determined not to leave people behind. Juhi Chawla plays a role as a politician. The series illustrates how ordinary people come together to save lives.

“The Railway Men” is the directorial debut of Shiv Rawail. Speaking about the film, he shared, “This series has been an emotionally charged and rewarding journey. It should be a story of human emotion that reminds people of the power of resilience in adverse situations. I feel truly humbled and honored for this. Leading this series under the capable guidance of WF Entertainment and executing my ambitious project with talents like R. Madhavan, K.K. Menon, Juhi Chawla, Raghuvir Yadav, Divyenndu, Babil, and many others has been a dream come true.”

“The Railway Men” is supported by WF Entertainment, written by Ayush Gupta, and will be released on Netflix on November 18th.

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